How does iTIC work?

Traffic data receiving and transmitting process

The iTIC’s process begins with collecting public traffic data from CCTV cameras provided by the Thai Traffic Police, Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT), and Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). Then, the data is combined with that collected from taxis, buses, logistics, and mobile phone probes by iTIC (Tier 1). After that, the combined traffic data is processed into a nationally standardized format with high quality, ready to be broadcast in real-time.

The traffic information output can then be distributed by Tier 2 via various carriers such as GPRS (mobile phone) or ADSL (internet). An internet user can view real-time traffic information by visiting

The traffic information is also available through FM multiplex 102.5 MHz by the Royal Thai Air Force and 88.5 MHz by the Royal Thai Navy under the RDS-TMC (Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel) standard, which has been widely used in Europe and the United States. Travelers can receive traffic information via car and Portable Navigation Device (PND) without airtime expenses.

In the near future, more organizations (Tier 2) will seek to obtain traffic information from iTIC with value-added functions such as Points of Interest (POI) before disseminating it to end users. During the early stage, the traffic information coverage will focus on Bangkok, its vicinity, and interstate highways. However, iTIC plans to extend the traffic service nationwide.